BVPPC (40/63)

From:Neil Caunt
Date:25 May 2000 at 18:16:12
Subject:Re: There's something up with my BVision...

Hello Wannes

>> Seriously, it works perfectly without ANY fans, heatsinks, washers under
>> the cooler, tower case off, etc. I don't even have any extra power feeds on
>> the PPC or the motherboard.

> HUH? are you lying to me boy? it simply cannot be.... if i remove 1 of my 3
> fans, the whole thing goes rodeo on
> my ass...
Wannes, would I lie to you? :) No, I am deadly serious here. My BVision works
without ANY cooling or extra power, and with my Power Tower case on. I don't
understand it either.

> btw:
> i have some new problems with my '040: when running CGXrave programs, most
> of the time they simply crash, giving me a ' error 111 emulator' message (so
> it probably has something to do with the fpu.
> when a program does work, the background is allways white in stead of black.
> I use tornado3D for school-stuff, so it really sucks arse without the
> preview window.

> any help would be MOST welcome, since nobody seems to know what to do, and
> i allready gave up trying.

You haven't recently installed CyberPatcher or Oxypatcher have you?
CyberPatcher just crashes my system whenever I run any FPU code. That's all I
can think of. What other software uses the rave3d library?


Neil Caunt -- A1200T,603e/160,040/25,50mb,4.3g,56k,BVision
IRC: Blokey ICQ: 70356459 Member of LAAUG

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